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Ognissanti's Fair, Camaiore

On 1st and 2nd November Camaiore hosts the traditional Ognissanti's Fair. There are almost 350 exhibitors in the streets of the historic center with quality craftsmanship, the commercial sector, the food sector, intellectual property and products for the home. In the Badia area, an exhibition of animals and agricultural products, articles for hunting and leisure is set up. There are about thirty exhibitors dedicated to commercial and work vehicles in the area of via delle Muretta, via Badia and piazza Romboni.

The program of related events is full, starting with the Mycological Review organized by the "Giovanni Ghirlanda" group, which is set up in the atrium of Palazzo Tori. The Il Cavallo e Noi Association organizes the usual program of equestrian events in the dedicated area in via Madonna della Pietà, near the Church of the Badia. On 1 November, the Association proposes, starting in the morning, horse performances such as the gymkana in which the horse and rider duo carries out a demonstration path, overcoming various types of tests. In the afternoon, in addition to the gymkhana, the performances also include a demonstration in the “Giostra del Saravino” style. During the breaks the horses are available for performances with the children.


In 1437 the castle of Camaiore was besieged and then occupied by the Florentine army. For five years the Camaiore community was governed by the Municipality of Florence which, to secure the favors of the Camaiore people, was generous with concessions. Even the Fiera di Ognissanti, also known as the Fair of Saints Simon and Judas, was established together with that of San Marco by concession of the Florentine Government itself, on October 15, 1441, as attested by the council resolution of the Municipality of Camaiore "fiat bis mercatum in dicto common camaioris die Sancti Marci de mense aprilis et die Sanctorum Simonis and Jude de mense octobris ". The historian Bianco di Bianco also confirms this in his chronicles, written at the beginning of the 16th century "he allowed himself to be able to hold a market free of any gabelle for the duration of 15 days, and two other fairs, also free from gabelles, one for the feast of All Saints and the other for S. Marco ". In the following centuries the Fair continued to be organized, without particular interruptions and, to date, it can boast an antiquity of 577 years.


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